Monday, March 9, 2009

Younger DAP leaders more receptive to PAS’ ideology

All these while, I grew up with a mindset of 'buat baik dibalas baik, buat jahat dibalas jahat'.

I always wonder what is so wrong with hudud laws, if it was meant to be good? Maybe I do not understand it from legal point of view. Perhaps the term Islamic State is very sensitive, but after 10 years PAS in Kelantan, I saw nothing is so scary like depicted by our federal leaders. It's natural, that a criminal must be punished heavily. 

All these while, there were many pending cases being left in cold, some were not even tried at all; what good is our current constitution if Altantuya murders can roam freely in Parliement?

PAS being a religious political institution, should understand very well in their teachings, like any other religions, that it is no good to make a believer a believer by force. Besides, I never see any PAS friend of mine trying to ditch me just because I'm a Christian.

Religions maybe different to every one of us; but the devils inside are always the same. That's why we are still a human and THEY(some of our leaders) became devils wearing human masks.

Put your believes aside, start living as a Malaysian ...

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